Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wedding Gift

I finally finished the homemade part of Marybeth's wedding gift tonight. Seeing that the wedding is Saturday, I guess that my gift is going to be a bit late! Oh well, it's the thought that counts. It'll be there when they get back from their honeymoon!


  1. The colors are really fun & your stitching is beautifully done. You can tell you put in alot of thought and time to make her a very special gift.

  2. I really like the colors too! What a GREAT job!!! AK

  3. Thanks! I found the set of three kitchen towels in Texas over Christmas and thought that they were fun. Luckily I already had all of the right floss colors to match.

  4. What great color scheme's. You are a very
    talented young lady.


  5. They will love the gift.....sorry you guys can't be both of you. Keith

  6. A very heartfelt gift. Mary Beth will so appreciate. She is now a married woman and on her way to her honeymoon. A truly beautiful bride and a gorgeous wedding. Wish you two could have been there. Will send pictures. Love, Rhonda
