Monday, December 13, 2010

Swinging on the Front Porch

Images scanned from A House in the South.
It's in the negative temperatures here in Nashville tonight. We're still digging out from Saturday's snow. We're barely into this winter and I'm already dreaming about sunny Spring afternoons on one of these beautiful porches!


  1. We don't have snow, but I've seen some pictures of the snow you poor folks are dealing with and wowswers was that a dump and a half of the white stuff.

    For some reason this weekend I began longing for spring and warmer temps. So much for living in the moment, I guess. Argh.


  2. A porch swing is the one thing I haven't managed to have since we left the farm house, and the thing I miss the most. It just dosen't get any better than swinging on a porch surrounded by huge old trees, with the perfect hot or cold drink to go with the weather of the day. Huge hugs~ Mom

  3. Oh I dream of having a porch swing. These photos are gorgeous. As is your blog!

  4. Love both of these porches!!
    Stay warm!

  5. Swinging is my greatest therapy. Hope to one day have my own swing also. R

  6. It feels great to welcome the coming of spring on that beautiful porch. And the idea of adding a swing is fantastic! However, it could be a great distraction if you're having a cup of coffee with a guest, then you have your kids playing around.
