Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh, World of Interiors...

Oh, World of Interiors Magazine, how are you always so fabulous? Sometimes I think you're the only authentic design magazine left.

What are your favorite design magazines?


  1. I love the room on the cover. So bright and cheerful. Rhonda

  2. I have never seen this one - thanks for the link - it looks like there's lots of gorgeous inside!!!!!

  3. World of Interiors? Oh how I need this subscription!!

    Happy Thursday Dear! xo

    Oh, and have you entered the perfume GIVEAWAY yet?

  4. I have subscribed for 15 years. It is my one shameless addiction. For WOI, design is more than just the latest slick zillion-dollar mega-mansion. It covers the waterfront, from artist's hovel to young couple's on-a-budget hipster pad, to a grand castle. Lots of style, very little fashion.
